So, last week I started a bootcamp fitness program. It's called Bootcamp with Jess. They featured it on Channel 2 News morning show once a while back. Anyway, basically it's INSANE! The first week is called "hell week" and it's very appropriately named. It was the most insane week of my life. By Monday I couldn't move... and that was just the beginning. Oh man...
So here are some of the things they require of new P.T.s (that's me)
1. Drink 120 oz a day.
2. Eat no bread, pasta, dairy or soda
3. Make it through hell week.
All I have to say is I've never been worked so hard in my life. It was intense but it's going to be so worth it! It's one hour of hard core circuit training 5 days a week. When I say hard core I mean HARD CORE. I had to drop and give the instructor 10 push ups on Tuesday. When I bent my arms I fell flat on my face. Seriously. And I still had to manage the 10 push ups. I tried to describe to Nick just how hard it was and finally on Wednesday I came home and said "Today instructor Thomas asked me if their was blood in my urine or if I had any swollen joints." All Nick had to say to that was "Wow." He stopped making fun of me and my gimpy-ness after that.
Anyway, for the next 6 weeks I'll be kicking my butt and eating like one of those crazy health nut people (Egg whites and grapefruit for breakfast kind of crazy). But it's going to be worth it when I can fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans again! Bring on swim suit season!