So, some of you may already know this, but Sammy has been having tummy trouble for about a month now. He got terrible, painful gas and would fuss so much he wouldn't sleep. It got so bad he literally wouldn't sleep lying flat on his back. Finally, after a month, I think we're on the down hill side of this battle. These three things have helped us through the last month and helped save my sanity. In no particular order:
My chiropractor
He's been adjusting Sammy every week, and every week he's gotten a little better.
Summer brand Swaddle Me blankets

I know they look like a baby straight jacket, but once I realized Sammy wakes himself up fussing because he wiggles so much I bought one of these. That was also the first night he slept on his back in weeks. Coincidence? Probably not.
3. Colic Calm Gripe Water

This has probably been what has helped us the most. It's the only homeopathic gripe water out there, which means it's made from natural ingredients and is regulated by the FDA. It is AMAZING! Anytime Sammy is screaming I give him a dose and less than a minute later he's calm and perfectly fine. It even gets rid of his hiccups instantly. So amazing! It's a bit pricey, but worth every penny.