Alright, I know it's been 6 months since Nick and I went to Scotland and Ireland, but I've finally been able to get the pictures off my camera. I lost the cord to connect it to the computer at some point during the move and I finally gave up and bought a replacement cord last week. So, here's our adventure!
As most of you know, my oldest friend Clare is an Irish dancer and has been since the 4th grade. Well, in the 4th grade I told her, when she made it to the world competition, I'd go with her. 15 years later I made good on that promise!
This was taken on our 3rd connecting flight. We were flying into Glasgow, Scotland. We'd been up for about 30 hours at this point...

We finally made it to the hotel that night. I think this was pushing 36 hours of no sleep..

This is the Glasgow Royal Concert hall where Clare competed.

Hahahaha!!! Yes, I AM that immature!

This is the Glasgow cathedral. It was a pretty cool old church.

This me roaming the streets of Edinburgh.

Us outside the concert hall after Clare competed. Cameras weren't allowed inside so we didn't get any pictures of Clare in her dress. They take Irish dance quite seriously.

The life size elephant made us incredibly happy. This is our shopping day, the last day we spent in Glasgow.

We made it to Dublin the next day. Clare's Aunt Margeret took us around sight-seeing.

One of the cool buildings in dowtown Dublin.

Our trip to Powerscourt. This is a view of the grounds. They were huge!!


Me in one of the gardens.

The signs might have been one of my favorite parts of Dublin.
Seriously??? You have to ask people not to drive their cars into the ocean?
And there you have it. These are just a few of the 206 pictures Nick and I took. I hope you enjoyed our exploits. I know I certainly did!!
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