Well, we survived the first week. I have to admit, it was a bit of a struggle due to lack of sleep, difficulty with breast feeding, and fluctuating hormones. But Nick was a dream through it all and helped me stay sane. I don't know how I would have done it without him!
Here's a picture of my "Little Gelfling" (anyone seen Dark Crystal?). I have to admit, he's pretty much the cutest little guy ever. :)

So far I've been enjoying staying home with my little guy. Between eating, diaper changes, and naps, I'm not really sure where the day goes most of the time. For the first week, I added up all the sleep I'd had and it literally came out to as much sleep as I used to get in a night. I was trying to breast feed, but my milk was just not coming in. It took 1+ hour to feed him (we ended up having to supplement because he wasn't getting enough) and he was on a 2 hour schedule so I never had enough time in between to even get drousy. After 8 days with no milk (it should be in by day 3) and no let-down, I couldn't do it anymore. It was miserable to watch my little guy be hungry all the time. So, we decided to switch to the bottle. It had never occurred to me before I had him that I might not be able to breast feed, so I took the switch pretty hard, like it was a failure on my part. This has been the main cause for the baby blues. I am doing much better with it now. I've gotten more sleep and talked to my mom. Apparently, her OB told her that women with larger breasts tend to have more difficulty with breast feeding. This made me feel much better. Although sometimes, I still wish it had worked out.
Anywho, now that everyone is happy and content, we're settling into a routine. Nick has been so wonderful. He's made such a good dad already. His favorite thing to do is take naps with Sammy.

Isn't this picture priceless!? They look so much alike it blows my mind. Nick calls him "Mini-Me".
omg he is seriousy SOOO adorable!!
ReplyDeleteHe is so cute! I need to come and visit you guys! You are not a failure because breastfeeding wasn't working. It is not worth stressing about because then mommy and baby are both unhappy and it makes for a hard time. You are a wonderful mom to that adorable little guy. He is so lucky to have you! I love the picture of Nick and Sammy, I love pictures like that! They are just so tender and precious! Let me know if you guys need anything like another dinner or something!
ReplyDeleteLOL :) We really need to come see him too! Such a cute little Gelfling. :)