- He loves to "talk" to you. His favorite sounds are "un-gah", "ah-goo", and this rasping gurgle noise. That one is pretty funny. He loves to make people laugh.
- About 2 weeks ago he started rolling from his back to his side. Over the weekend he rolled from his back all the way to his tummy! He does it all the time now. I used to be able to set him down and walk away. Now, when I come back he's frustrated because he rolled himself over and can't roll back. Silly boy!
- He's growing A TON! He's already in 6 month clothes. He's still a little string bean so they all drown him, but atleast they're long enough!
I know it's been a while some I'm going to add a few pictures from the last 2 months (mostly of Christmas). Enjoy!
Sammy is so cute Jen! I finally got to see him in person at Zeke's bday party. I haven't seen you for so long, hope you are doing well! :)