- He's constantly rolling himself from his back to his tummy. He's been doing the "stink bug" and getting his legs under him and his butt in the air. Apparently he thinks he needs to crawl at five months. Silly guy!
- He cut his first tooth a few weeks ago (early I know!). It's so adorable when he smiles! It's his bottom right one. We think the left one is on it's way soon.
- We've been trying to get him to eat food, but he's being so STUBBORN! (Imagine that, my baby? Stubborn?) He likes to get the food in his mouth, leave it there for a bit, and then spit it out. He's so funny about it too. He hates the texture. Hopefully he'll catch on soon though
- He's still laid back and very good-natured. He loves to just hang out and his favorite thing in the world is making people laugh.
- He's still long and skinny. He's in the 93rd percentile for height and the 52nd percentile for weight.
- He still looks just like his daddy!
That's my little goose. I can't believe he's growing up so fast!
oh my goodness he is the cutest thing ever!!!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe how big he has gotten, look at that darling smile! So Cute!