So, sore hips, heart burn, hunger, and a general case of over-active brain have combined to make... insomnia! As I was eating my bowl of marshmellow mateys at 1am I decided to blog about the little things in life that make me happy and might not get the recognition they deserve. In no particular order...
1. Sleep. Dreamless sleep to be precise
2. Good food and good conversation with good friends
3. Milk delivered by Winder Dairy to my door step in a glass bottle. It makes my morning every Wednesday morning!
4. Laundry. Weird, I know, but I've always liked doing laundry. Go figure.
5. Gardening. I enjoy playing in the dirt and the sunshine. With gardening, I can kill two birds with one stone
6. Yoga
7. My pets
8. The baby grand in my living room. It was a gift from my grandmother and has been in my family for four generations now.
9. The way, no matter how much I shove him, my husband always seems to end up right in my face at some point every night. I actually find it quite sweet, even if I act like it bugs me
10. Harry Potter
11. Watching BBC period-pieces. Jane Austen is my favorite.
12. The sound of running water, like a fountain or my fish tank.
13. The color green
14. Coffee. I desperately miss my caffine.
15. Going for a jog. I never realized how much I enjoyed running until I couldn't do it anymore.
16. Inside jokes that are so old, you don't remember what the joke was in the first place
17. Jimmy Neutron. I love that show.
18. Reading a book. Preferably some mindless fantasy novel
19. Google. I use it to check the spelling of a word atleast once a day.
20. Driving at night.
So there you go. That's my list of the little things in life that make me happy. Random, but loved by me none-the-less. Now, if only I could sleep...