Today I had yet another doctor's appointment. I really like my doctor a lot, which I think is really important. It was pretty much the same with the whole "pee in a cup"... "get on the scale" routine. Everything is looking good though, which is nice. My weight gain is right on track to hit the 25-30 pound mark, which I'm pretty excited about. And my blood pressure has been great the whole pregnancy. After having a friend go through a preeclempsia nightmare I'm quite grateful for my low blood pressure. All in all, a pretty healthy and normal pregnancy.
That's not to say I don't have my discomforts or weird quirks.
"Quirk" #1: I blew out my hip about a month ago. By "blew out" I mean, I couldn't walk, sit or stand without tremendous pain. Turns out while I was running my usual route, I through my hip out of alignment. I get to see a chiropractor until I deliver, but otherwise no permanent damage was done. Turns out it was a blessing in disguise. The women in my family have messed up hips during pregnancy and my mom's hips never got better after she had kids. According to my chiropractor, if he aligns me before my joints tighten back up I'll be as good as new. So I'm grateful for my bum hips... in a weird sort of way.
"Quirk" #2: I've discovered a small brown spot on my stomach. Now, my theory is that it's a freckle that's been stretched by my growing belly. My doctor looked at it today and said that could be it, or it could need to be removed. Lame!! But, he's going to wait until my 6 week-after-delivery appointment to decide whether or not to remove it. Apparently it's "not too concerning, but it does have one or two warning signs we look for." I'm still hoping for a stretched out freckle..
"Quirk" #3": This is probably my favorite quirk of all. Due to my height, I'm barely showing. It's weird and I'm not really sure why, because it hasn't happened to any of the other women in my family, but I look about 5 months pregnant when I'm really 7. I'm not complaining or anything, but some days I can pass for having just gained weight... Although I think I'd rather look pregnant. I didn't think much of it until today, my doctor had to double check how many weeks along I was because he said I was barely showing. In the end, I'm still gaining weight and I'm measuring right on track, so I'm going to enjoy how little I'm showing while I still can. I've still got 2 months to go...
In other news, Sammy is getting bigger by the day! According to my "What to Expect" app, he's almost 4 pounds and is about 19 inches long! Crazy! Especially considering I was 19 inches long when I was born. It compares his size to the size of a head of lettuce:

Yes, that's right, a four pound head of lettuce spends his days hanging out on my bladder. There's something for you to think about! :)
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